We offer complete Industrial Waste Disposal solution, for Chemicals, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, ETP’s, MEE’s, Sludges & Slurry, Dyes & Pigment industries, and other bulk waste generators.


We help reduce the waste handling cost for bulk waste generators, by providing waste to non-toxic air converting machine. This helps budget, environment, Users.


The product is used to eliminate the waste at source of its generation only. So, no collection, no transportation, no segregations, no tromelling, no biomining and in end no landfill.

Join for Reversing Climate Change

Malhari Projects is an Innovation hub for developing and selling Climate Reversing Technologies, based in Ahmedabad.

We, a pioneering Clean Tech B2B startup founded in 2021 by Mihir Dixit, a mechanical engineer with a vision for transforming Solid Waste Disposal. The company is headquartered in Ahmedabad and has developed an innovative solution to address the critical pain points in Non-recyclable Solid Waste Disposal.

Products & Solutions

We offer comprehensive Waste disposal solution, emission monitoring, scrubber system to eliminate toxic gases for industrial and Municipal use.

Hazardous Solid Waste
Solid waste generated from the premises of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Dyes, APIs, Processing Units
Waste disposal Consultation service
By taking trials of the waste provided by clients, we provide recommendations for best technology we can provide to dispose of that waste
The product we provide eliminates the need of segregations, landfilling, saving ground water and toxic gas emission. Saving Air, Water, Land
Custom Solid Waste
Solid waste generated from the premises of industrial units after some specific process like textiles, packaging, etc.
Smart cities and Townships
For Bulk waste generated in townships, smart cities, corporations, etc the non-recyclable waste disposal solution will eliminate waste at source
The concept of landfilling would be eliminated by just introduction of the technology in waste management channel

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    CO2 Offset

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